About Me:
Originating from Brighton, my journey into the three dimensional world of ceramics started when I joined the multidiscipline, BA(Hons) Glass, Ceramics, Jewellery, Metalwork course at the University for the Creative Arts. Where I truly begin to develop as a practitioner becaming aware of the scope of materials and techniques available in the ceramics disapline. Learning the scope and depth of these labour intensive methods before ultimately developing a way of expanding these methods to discover their loop holes. Becoming inventive by playfully exploring these long established techniques, as an established ceramicist that is never content in the traditional or conservative nature of the ceramics discipline.
I believe I am a experimental Ceramist or Ceramic Tester. A ceramic artist who is continually expanding the boundaries of knowledge by endlessly testing methods and materials. That will allow me to produce individual works, test peice and batches of test tiles that defy the limits of my capabilities.
My work is classified as structural forms defined by geology, which takes on a eroded, biological appearance, that sits more at home within the geological landscape. My own practise can only be defined and categorised as production testing, due to the way my work cannot be restricted to a set perimeter. Or conform to a finalised form, piece or outcomes.
Whilst building my practise on a base of vigorous material research and methodology testing within the ceramics studio. These investigations ultimately find their way into my finished pieces. Presenting the processes of production and finalised outcomes as fused objects blurring the lines between method and concluded items.
Artist Statement:
My work is defined by geological rocks and the processes that form them triggering a line of work that explores geomorphology within the environment starting from their origins of how these rocks/processes are created over millions of years of compression, grinding and melting and how they are now conveyed in the landscape.
Carrying this out through hand building and press moulding, producing a carefully balanced blend of various crank clay’s and wedged in rock samples taken directly from the Earth’s surface. Laying bare how the composition continually tears itself apart after being forced to echo the plaster moulds they’re compressed into. Generating my own formations as if my work is at home in and cut straight from the landscape despite the hints of imprinted manmade influence.
Whilst increasing the role glazing takes in my work, rigorously using matt and special effect glazes. Experimenting through layering and mixing unusual ingredients together primarily to discover unique traits and vastly different reactions in each new combination. These contribute to an unyielding, ecological outcomes that are continually becoming inexplicably redefined.